Academic Articles

A Nation Slighted: How the 1908 Annexation of Bosnia Embarrassed Russia and Led to the Great War - 24 November 2013

German Nationalism in the Early 19th Century - A Historiography - 15 July 2013

The Battle of Atlanta - The True Turning Point of the American Civil War - 23 February 2013

"I Can Make This March, and Make Georgia Howl" - A Contextual Study of Sherman’s March to the Sea - 15 January 2013

Defining Liberty: The Stark Contrasts Between the French Revolution and the American War of Independence - 9 September 2012

The Dumbing Down of the American Education System - 26 May 2011

National Power in History: How Nations Become Great and Decline - 25 March 2012

A Brief Historiography of the Great War - 8 August 2011

Book Review - The Origins and Legacies of World War I - D.F. Fleming - 31 July 2011

Depoliticizing Terrorism - Restoring Common Sense to Counterterrorism Practices - 19 JAN 2011

A Brief History of the Modern Intelligence Community - Reactionary Policy - 24 DEC 2010

Marc Sageman's Leaderless Jihad - A Critique - 22 NOV 2010

Redeem the Creation - Religious Writings of Political Activists in Early America - 20 NOV 2010
Treason - The Motivation of Modern Defectors - 12 NOV 2010

Klaus Fuchs and the Impact of Atomic Espionage; The Role of Ideology in 1930s Soviet Recruitment - 3 NOV 2010

Why MacArthur Failed to Appreciate the Chinese Threat - A Structured Analytical Study - 1 NOV 2010

Lessons Learned from Golytsin and Nosenko - 6 OCT 2010